viernes, enero 05, 2007

A veces los regalos de Reyes son inesperados

My dear Diary,
Today I don´t actually feel good. I thought everything was perfect but in realiyt it wasn´t.
Why life has sometimes a funny way to surprise you?
I wish I could change my life, I wish I could make some people to desappear from the Earth...but , it is a shame, I cannot :(
Sometimes I wish I did not exist, things would be easier for me and for some people around me.
I appeared in someone's life and I changed it completely, I think I am not going to love him no more, he does not deserve it!!!
Today, I hate you, I really do, but in the deep of my heart I do LOVE YOU...
I think I am moving to no one's land...


Blogger anonymous said...

Those screwed three wise men are fucking crazy old bitches who smoke crack or any other kind of substance able to modify one's state of mind and don't give a crap about what we deserve or not, of that i'm sure.

Blind to reality, it is a truth which I see every day, It happens to everybody, everyday: we always see the best road to take, but we only walk the road which we are used to.

You're a blonde temptation who came to rock someone's life, i can smell it in the air, I feel your pheromones all over the place. Irradiating from your skin, from your sunny hair, from your fingertips into your blog, reaching my pituitary glands through the pixels captured with my retina.

No matter what it happens, once you rock someone else's life, you leave your impronta. Every second of that person's life, you'll be present even in the distance.

anyway, it aint over till its over. Sometimes you need an absence to know what you care about. Sometimes life has funny ways to make you discover what you want.

Ya know: Someone loves you, maybe he didn't realize yet how much he does.

Good luck and, maybe in short, you'll be somewhere with someone doing something and nothing apart from that will be in your mind.

Remember that life's too short to take it seriously; after all, nobody will scape alive from it.

10:06 a. m.  
Blogger Logan said...

Leyendo tu escrito me ha invadido la tristeza.

Tal vez podría buscar en el repertorio de frases de mi cabeza y decir lo adecuado, lo oportuno, lo preciso... pero en este momento lo único que me apetece es mandarte toda mi fuerza y mi ánimo y recordarte la canción de Coti "Nada de esto fue un error".

6:25 p. m.  
Blogger Venus said...

Yea, life goes on...and it is absurd to be sad about the past.
I keep on going because I am a strong woman.
By the way, I am not blonde and who are you?


6:50 p. m.  
Blogger anonymous said...

are you sure not a blonde?

You smell like a blonde, maybe ginger. Definitely not a brunette, I can be mistaken though.

I am who I am, someone who knows and who is known. Someone who cares, your friendly neighborhood, sort of a man, sort of a kid, the one who listens, nonetheless I am nobody, just a glimpse of a silhouette, the slight sensation left in your mind reminding that there was a bulk of breathing flesh, a shadow stripped of humanity.

That's who I am. and that's what I wonder: who am I?

8:41 a. m.  
Blogger Venus said...

no, I am not blonde.
who are you? please tell me, are you agamor?

10:38 a. m.  
Blogger Venus said...

no, I am not blonde.
who are you? please tell me, are you agamor?

10:38 a. m.  
Blogger Venus said...

Please tell me who you are, I need to know it

12:20 p. m.  
Blogger anonymous said...

I am who I am.

I don't know who the fuck I am, but something is for sure, I'm not who you think I am.

It's only me, a person. I'm dead man walking.

Someone who's just pissed.

Someone who'd love endlessly if he had an opportunity.

Someone you ain't know. Someone who ain't know you, venus.

Just answer to this: what color is your hair?

Maybe we'll get to some sort of agreement on a quid pro quo basis.

1:27 p. m.  
Blogger anonymous said...

So venus, brightest object in the night sky or Roman goddess of love and beauty, will you answer my questions or are you gonna hide away?

Why do you need to know who I am?

Why should I be agamor?

Why do you need to know who I am?



I don't know you in the same way as you don't know me.

5:13 p. m.  
Blogger Logan said...

Eh, venus...

echo de menos tus escritos.

Es curioso cómo se puede congeniar con alguien a quien no conoces. Con alguien de quien no sabes nada. Sólo que hay empatía.

8:53 a. m.  
Blogger Logan said...

¿Dónde te metes?

No hay manera de saber nada de ti. Absolutamente ninguna. No sé ni una mala dirección de email a la que escribirte, ni un messenger, ni nada de nada.

Espero que te vaya mejor que hace unos días.

4:31 p. m.  
Blogger Venus said...

To the anonymous person.
I am black haired.
What else do you want to know about me? ask me anything.
I am still waiting for my love to come back, it seems that he is not interested and I am very sad.

9:41 a. m.  
Blogger Venus said...

for the anonymus English speaker, I am still waiting for your answer...

7:44 p. m.  
Blogger Venus said...

still waiting for the English speaker guy to reply....

7:17 p. m.  

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